"we watch the stars appear every night. and sometimes we get to watch them fall."

Monday, February 8, 2010

On 4:54 PM by Rebekah Tracy in    2 comments
Alone in the rain, she stood, a rose in her hand, black garments dancing around her. The bridge was cold beneath her feet, the water below dancing in the icy coldness of the frozen night.
Tears fell silently down. Forever, he had promised, but now he was gone. All cherished words of love had only been lies. He had departed to follow another; the rose his last gift, a fading remnant of the promise he had broken.
Slowly the rose slipped from her fingers and fell into the churning waters. Broken, the rose washed away into the shadows and nothingness.


  1. Beautiful. With the words "rain," "rose," "hand," and "dancing" you successfully introduced a romantic situation before I even reached the descriptions of love.

    "black," "cold," "icy," and "night" were enough to convey the bleakness before I even reached the descriptions of sadness.

    This is beautiful. :)

  2. I have a habit of clicking the "Post" button before I've properly reviewed my comments. So, what I was saying was you did an artful job of composing sentences in such a compact way as to set up exactly what you seemed to want in a matter of a few sentences.
